Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ready to Fly

As we approach our departure date, there are myriad details to sort out before we go, and so a couple of things are slipping through the cracks. Like pictures on this site.

At least today's picture is not event-specific; Daniel is still doing homework every night, so I can at least claim that the picture is timely. On the other hand, I do have some material to draw from, on William's camera and Karen's, that I will post before we go so that it isn't all recycled pictures while we're away.

And I should be able to post some entries and photos from the road. We're looking forward to seeing everyone in California, to visiting a few old favorite places, and to spending some time in warmer weather, although New Hampshire hasn't been so bad this month, at least compared with average temperatures.

And I think we're all looking forward to just getting away from the regular routine, and to having some long streches of time together. With conflicting schedules and so many things to take care of at home, there has been precious little of that.

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