Thursday, June 17, 2010


While I was sitting at work, Karen and the boys met up with some friends at the park and the boys had a big water fight. Water balloons, water guns, soggy sponge things to throw at each other. I stayed far away and very dry, but I at least got to see pictures. I understand there's some video. too, so maybe that will show up soon on YouTube.

Rehearsal last night worked out very well, thanks to the boys. They sat quietly and watched a movie ("The Strongest Man In the World," starring Kurt Russell) and were generally nice and quiet while I was on the stage fighting with lines and blocking.

Fortunately, I seem to be winning that fight, along with my fellow cast members who are turning this production of "Unnecessary Farce" into something we'll be truly proud of.

For tonight, however, I need to try to get some sleep. Still one more day before the weekend, which Karen, unfortunately, will spend at Lowes. But the boys and I will find some fun stuff to do on what promises to be a very summery weekend.

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