Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reluctant Handyman

One of the things I really miss about my former life in California is needing only one small bit of knowledge to handle the myriad repair jobs required by home and car ownership. That is, the phone number of the nearest good repair technician. In this life, coming as it does with a lower income, the repair technician ends up being me. Last night it was recharging the refrigerant on Karen's Subaru, and discovering that I can't do the same thing on my Subaru because one of the hose connections is broken an would leak if recharged. This is the kind of thing I don't even want to know, but there you have it.

Along with how to hang sheetrock, or install a shower head, or build and install the casings and trim on windows and doors, or alleviate condensation dripping from the cold pipes in the basement, or (good grief!) building a deck, all things which are on my list of projects this summer.

Fortunately my list also includes some writing, maybe some music recording, some filmmaking, and of course a little bit of acting. It's good to know that my list of activities is not exclusively filled with jobs I'm not competent to do.

We're also planning to just spend some time having fun. Imagine that.

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