Sunday, February 10, 2008

Oh, Just Stop!

It's been snowing. Again. Who would have thought there would be so many variations on snow? Right now it's the little ice balls that pack so hard it makes it hard to shovel. Earlier today and further south it was big, fat, wet, slushy flakes. The kind of snow that I currently hate the most? All of it.

The last thing you think about when you buy a house is "Where are we going to put all of the snow?" It's not a question that comes into your mind. "Where are we going to park the cars?" "Where are we going to put all of our clothing?" "Where are we going to put that wing-back chair that my mother gave me.?" Those are the kinds of questions you ask yourself. Where to put all of the snow? Who cares, I don't own any snow.

We're running out of places to put the snow. If we want to clear the full width of our driveway, we have to pitch the snow way over the side of the hill, which isn't so easy to do when the snow pile next to the driveway is about five feet high. Thomas suggested we sould have a heated driveway, which sounds nice, but even if you could pay for it, the water has to go somewhere, and it's going to freeze solid when it gets there.

What I really need, what would really make me feel better and make my disposition sunny is a nice big dose of Spring. A California-type spring, not one like we have around here where the fist day of spring can as easily as not bring another ten inches of snow.

Well, you'll have to excuse me. I have to go make a loaf of bread for tonight's dinner.

And then I have to shovel snow. See the smile on my face? No?

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