We're coming to the end of the school year. It's easy to tell because Danny just came back from the his Spring Trip, and Karen and I have wrangled schedules to be available for his middle school graduation. That's right: Danny is preparing to start high school.
We had to do a little bit of adjustment to his schedule, not because it was horrible, but because he'd been given a study hall due to a miscommunication about his class choices. A quick visit to the guidance department resolved the error quickly, and Danny now has a good lineup of classes for the new year.
Now we just need to get through the summer. Danny is going to be practicing some skills to help him with high school, William will be stepping up to full-time work as soon as school is over, just a little over a week from now, the resort where I work is gearing up for the rush, which often includes turning over all of our 42 rooms in one day on Sundays, and Karen is dealing with all the things Karen has been dealing with for the last ten years plus.
Lots of projects in the works for the summer, including Karen's new trailer, as I mentioned, finally finishing the back deck, a revised version of my last book for me, and a new book if I can squeeze it in, and some fun art and craft projects for all of us.
Plus a little New England travel, to some of our favorite places. I think the one thing that won't be in abundance this summer is boredom.