I can finally walk around the back of the house without having to step in snow. Ice out on the pond was in the afternoon of the 22nd. Although there are still a few stubborn plow piles at the side of the road on my way to work, winter has at last thrown in the towel.
And in the Spring, a (not so) young man's thoughts turn to construction! We can park trucks in the front of the new house. The lumber is no longer frozen to the ground. The ground itself is no longer frozen, and ditch-digging and siding installation and plumbing and electrical and insulation and drywall hanging can now commence! I'm as giddy as a puppet on a string (and doubtless dating myself with that song reference). It might as well be Spring. Oh, wait! It IS Spring!
I can tell because it's light when I go to work in the morning, and when I come home. I can tell because I am actually wearing T-shirts as outergarments instead of undergarments. I can tell because I'm not turning on a single heater anywhere in the house.
I could go on waxing ecstatic, but I have to shower off some of this Spring sweat (no, really, sweat! Well, you had to be there) and shave before bedtime, which is fast approaching. Until next time.
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