Saturday, June 20, 2009

Waiting for Summer

Okay, summer officially starts tomorrow, and summer vacation on Wednesday. But what we're really waiting for here in New Hampshire is summer weather.

With highs in the 70s today, this is about as close as we've been for awhile, and even at that we're anticipating rain starting tonight--and lasting nearly a week.

At least most of the work I'm doing is indoor work: the house, theater, passports--although, ironically, I'm actually writing this blog outdoors, on my Palm Zire at the park while Danny and William get what little dry outdoor activity they can. We went to the Friends Of the Library book sale before we came, which was disappointing in its selection, but perhaps because we arrived near the end of the day.

Tomorrow is Father's Day, and I plan to celebrate by, well, doing what I do most Sundays, while Karen works. I have a rehearsal that night, unfortunately pulling several Dads away from their kids as well. But the show must go on, in just over a month now.

Well, the sun is coming out, just as we're getting ready to leave for home.


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