It's snowed this morning. With an outside temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit, there was no accumulation, but that doesn't change the fact that it snowed. Not a good sign.
Next week is supposed to be rainy and a little bit warmer. A little bit. It's too early for this.
On the other hand, we've been having our share of fun. Of course, I've already mentioned the campout that Karen and William went on with the Scouts. That trip was followed up immediately by William's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's, so the Sunday was a whirlwind day, not only for Karen and William but for a couple of William's guest who also came from the campsite.
But nobody was grumpy over it; everybody had a good time at the party.
The following weekend we went down to Keene the see what may be the last Pumpkin Festival. Every year thousands of people bring tens of thousands of carved pumpkins to Keene to put on display. There's food and games and crafts. And then there is the city of Keene to look at, which by itself is worth a trip down.
William and I have joined a club at his school, the Book Talk Club. Each month we all read the same book, and then we get together in groups of six to eight, adults and students, to talk about it. The students are mostly 4th through 8th grade, though we have one very precocious first grader, son of one of my fellow thespians, who is a delight to listen to. Last night was our second meeting, and our first discussion, and it was lively and jovial, and we both had a very good time.
Latest news on Thomas is that he is just about to move away from home. He's got a job in North Conway and will moving in with a friend in Ossipee, just south of Conway, starting Monday. We will of course miss Thomas around here, but it's good to see him starting to get out on his own. Maybe I can get him to blog about the experience, and if so I will supply a link on the home page.
Meanwhile, those of you who are Tom's Facebook friends will probably be hearing a lot about it.
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