Well, I finally seem to have worked out how to get my Mac back to its old self. Well, almost. Having completely re-formatted the drive and installed the operating system afresh, I now have a like-new Mac Mini. Problem is, that I added a lot of software and settings and upgrades and updates to that over the last five years, and I have to get a lot of that back. Perhaps not all of it, but a lot of it.
And I'm not entirely trusting of the hard drive even after the formatting, so I'm considering putting a different one in before I go to all the trouble of recreating the workspace I've grown so accustomed to.
It's made me rethink what I need on my system, and fish around for alternatives so that I can get my work done while I'm waiting on the fate of the Mini.
The practical upshot of that is that I'm going to figure out how to do my Website updates (The Brooks Bunch and others) using the computers that are currently working, rather than waiting for the Mini to be the computer it once was. So stay tuned, and thanks for your patience.
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