Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lazy Day. Not Really.

Karen's last day off before six on. We were going to try to get one of her trailer walls in to cut a door for it, but the rain made it impractical, as did the fact that we couldn't find her notebook with the plans in it. Which lead to a day of searching for the book, which lead to a day of tidying things up.

It wasn't exactly what we planned but it did have its satisfactions. And it wasn't the entire day; we picked up Danny from school and took the boys swimming.

Busy day for Danny. In addition to the swimming, he participated in Winter Sports day at school, snowshoeing in the the rain (no, that is not a mistake; they were really snowshoeing in the rain), and he had a Scout Den meeting in the evening, during which he got his Pinewood Derby car, the last one he'll ever make.

Unfortunately, because of several missed meetings, he's getting a late start on his car. The race is this Saturday.

So the next three nights are also going to be very busy for Danny.

And me.

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