Today was the first official day of Winter vacation for the boys, although they got an early start, not only from the weekend, but from a snow day (more like an ice day, actually). That means I have the boys at home with me for the next six days, having already (by the end of the day today) had them for four. Karen, at least, was home for two of those days.
But it does make it hard to get things done; the boys could just amuse themselves, of course, but that would inevitably lead to an entire vacation consisting of nothing but TV and Minecraft (a computer game that a whole lot of people seem to be addicted to—yours truly not included).
I have, at least, gotten William interested in a program called Mine-imator, which lets you animate using Minecraft characters and primitives, so maybe I can turn his obsession into something creative. Danny started doing some Lego stop-motion animation over the summer; I might be able to get him interested in that again.
And I'm going to try to take the boys skating (if I can find skates that fit Daniel), and swimming. And they have some reading to do. So that will give me time for writing, if nothing else. And almost everything I need to do starts with writing, so that will help.
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