Friday, November 14, 2014


The first snow arrived last night, though it wasn’t much even as first snows go (or is it goes?), and wasn’t worth all the scrambling we did to prepare for it. But real snow storms are coming soon enough, so the effort wasn’t entirely wasted.

I thought the boys might have a delayed opening today, but the roads were so warm that the snow didn’t stick to them at all, and the bus arrived right on time. As it turns out, it would have been just a bit easier for me if there had been a delay, because I pulled the boys out of school early for dental exams in Rochester, and had there been a delay it would have saved me a trip into town to get them.

Hardly anything happens in New Hampshire, especially here in the Lakes Region, that involves less driving.

I know it’s been a long time since I updated this blog, and I have no excuses, other than I’ve been doing a lot of other writing lately, and this seems to just get pushed down the list. I’m currently working on four songs, two of which started as assignments for my online songwriting class. The third song was going to be for the class until I came up with the idea for the fourth one, which is going to be easier to write, and important feature since the deadline for the song is five days away.

I’m also working on a short story and—it’s about time—a book. So the keyboards on my computer, the library’s computer (when I’m there), and my iPhone are all keeping pretty busy.

And of course there’s this little matter of keeping up with construction on the house. I just finished the front porch. Now with cold weather setting in, I’ll move to indoor projects, of which there is a never-ending (it seems) supply. And Danny is playing basketball this season, going to Scouts, and attending the Book Talk Club.

William doesn’t have any after-school activities this year, but that’s partly because school keeps him physically active; again this year, he’s in the Vista program, which includes daily walks and weekly long hikes, even in the dead of winter. It’s tiring, but William enjoys it, and he’s doing very well in school this year. We’ve been getting refreshing calls from his teachers telling us how much he’s improved since last year, and how responsible and helpful he is in class. It’s so good to hear.

I'm writing this rather late at night while I’m waiting for a loaf of bread to finish baking. It’s just about done (I can smell it), so I need to wrap this up and get myself to bed. With Karen’s schedule this week, we don’t even get to sleep in on the weekends. Sigh.

I’ll try to make the next post longer. And sooner.

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