Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Nursing a Sick Friend

You may have already noticed from one of the recent picture captions that Sukkie has been very ill. At one point, just a bit over a week ago, we thought we were going to lose her, but with some intense care from the veterinarian and the family, she has made terrific progress. We're not sure of her long-term prognosis, because she still isn't eating and drinking on her own, but we are trying to be optimistic.

Although the hydration and force-feeding annoy Sukkie a lot, she is not suffering most of the time. She sleeps a lot, of course, but she has also been spending a lot of time cuddling with us and watching the world from her window.

Naturally, this has taken up a lot of our time and energy, but we still find time for other things. We went out bowling with Thomas' girlfriend Erin, our first chance to meet her, and everyone had a great time. The boys are wrapping up the last month of school, with Danny's spring camping trip coming up in just a couple of weeks.

And of course there is work and, now that the weather has finally gotten warmer, house projects. We keep plugging along, having fun where we can and getting work done, when we can. And keeping you up to date here.

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