I'm writing this under what I consider, as a computer old-timer, extraordinary circumstances. I'm standing at a shelf at the local library, typing this blog entry directly into the online Blogger posting screen, connected to the Internet through a 2X3-inch card inside my computer--and no wires!
The card in my computer is not even the latest technology. Karen's has the latest and it's about four times as fast as mine. But mine is plenty fast. And it's great to be able to watch the boys coloring or reading or playing at the library and still do something useful (or just fun).
Today Karen is in California, attending a miniatures convention and trying to get a bead on the state of the animation industry. While she walked right into the middle of a massive heat wave, we're catching the tail end of a tropical storm. It's raining, it's pouring, and so forth.
And so, an indoor kind of day. No lookers for the house (although possibly tomorrow) so we'll probably end up back home this afternoon. But I had to get out to the bank, so we are at the library fetching a prize from the Internet that the boys got by getting a certain number of points from their Leapster game, and allowing me to blog, download, and explore a bit while the boys keep busy. Thomas has wireless, too, so he's off in another part of the library surfing.
Then I think we'll go out for lunch, something we don't often do, but this seems like a good day for it.
Thomas is working tomorrow, so I'll go off somewhere with the boys (the weather will determine where) and leave the house empty for, I hope, potential buyers.
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