I've been going nearly flat-out since the last time I wrote. Between Okalahoma! and the new house and selling the old house and heating the old house and, well, life, there's been little time to take care of this web site or the blog that goes with it. So you get to see some pictures, as we say in the theater, reprised.
Yesterday Public Service of New Hampshire hooked up power to the new house. Nervously (for although I've done a fair amount of wiring, this is the first time I've done an entire house myself), I switched on the disconnect. Then the master breakers. Then the three circuits to which I had connected outlets in the main kitchen. And everything works! Will wonders never cease?
Good thing, too, because now we can set up heaters in the house to help dry the joint compound. The weather here has been horrible, with biting winds and temperatures staying below freezing for days. I finally dug out my winter jacket, which I normally don't need until the end fo the year. It's weird. Not only wrong for the season, but just a week ago it was so hot in the theater that we had to open the backstage door to get some air. Even outside it was in the 60s!
No such luck tonight. The dressing rooms will be freezing cold, as will our costumes, which have been sitting in there since last night. I don't think I've ever looked forward to the hot lights as much.
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