As the snow begins to disappear, leaving now mostly the big piles we created by shoveling except in those little corners where the sun only reaches for a short time each day, things are beginning to happen on several fronts.
The new house is getting closer to being finished to the point where we can move in. I think that we will be calling that house home about the time my birthday rolls around.
More people are coming to look at the old house, though that's been going on for so long now that it's not something that tends to bolster my hopes much. But I guess it's better than not having anyone come at all.
The play I'm appearing in opens in less than a week. We always get nervous around this time, feeling that we're just so far from ready and wishing we had another week--or two--to get it down, but we always make it fall into place somehow.
Very soon the auditions will start for the next play, but I won't be trying out for that one. I'll be directing! I'm a little nervous, but also very, very excited. The show opens the last week in July, which gives us about three months to get everything together.
I can't predict exactly what our summer will be like. But I don't think the word "boring" is going to apply.
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