Making a few tweaks to the site. I've been learning a lot about programming for the Web because I've gotten paid to do someone's site. It's a small step, but perhaps it can lead to a life of employment without commuting, which considering the state of my car is an entirely good thing.
The bigger pictures you get when you click from the main page now have a caption box that adjusts itself to the size of the caption. Now I don't have to worry about the length of the caption. And there is a button on the bottom to get you back to the home page.
This was just an interim version of the site anyway. I'm in the process of designing my professional site, and a lot of what I learn there will make its way into this site, not because this site isn't fun the way it is, but because I just can't leave well enough alone.
However the site changes, though, I promise it will continue to include photos of the family and a link to this blog. Because I know that, whatever fancy design theories I may implement, in the end it comes down to pictures and news.
sorry this is our of contxt of the blog, but we have been looking for you for a long time and would like to hear from you in person some time.
Doran & Marvie Fish, Orlando FL
Doran and Marvie!
Send me an email at gordon at so we can get in touch.
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