Saturday, January 16, 2010

Home Alone!

The kids had to go to school today, for reasons that can't be explained without putting everyone to sleep, but the short explanation is that it was a make-up for a snow day. Karen had to work. Thomas had to work. I didn't have to work! So after seeing the boys to the bus this morning, I had the whole day (save for a quick trip to the mailbox and library) at home by myself, something that rarely happens.

I watched movies without worrying about whether anyone else wanted to watch them. played around on the computer, played a few video games, and found the time to make a nice dinner, all without being interrupted by the sound of fighting children.

At least until they arrived home on the bus.

I had planned to have Monday at home with Karen. The boys also don't have Martin Luther King day off this year (another long story involving construction at the high school) and Karen does (just because of her usual rotation). The problem may be weather, which would trigger another snow day, spoil my day with Karen, and send the boys to school on yet another Saturday (this time just before the Winter break; at least they get that this year).

So I'm hoping that the predicted storm is either headed someplace else, or mild enough or timed properly to allow the boys to go to school as scheduled. Karen and I have not had a day alone in a very long time.

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