Saturday, April 03, 2010

Neglected Blog

It's been Hell. Well, Hell Week, actually, our affectionate slang for the final week leading up to opening night, during which we rehearse intensely every night for six straight nights, followed by two nights of performances. Since life does not stop for theater, most of us don't get a lot of sleep. And so some things have to wait. Like

But opening night is done, I slept for about ten hour last night (without Karen, who is in New Jersey with the boys for Easter), and I've rested up, sort of, for the second night on the stage. That is, if you call hanging sheetrock on a ceiling resting up. But that's another story.

Since there is no performance tomorrow, only auditions for the next show, I will have the time to spend time on our long-neglected Web site, adding pictures and rearranging thing a little for your viewing pleasure.

Now, though, I need to grab a quick dinner and get myself down to the theater for another show. More tomorrow.

Lots more.

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