Monday, January 21, 2013

Dinner Made For Me

Okay, I had to do one thing for dinner: make bread. But the way I'm making bread these days is pretty simple. I use the breadmaker to mix and knead the dough, turn it out into a floured pan, let it rise for about 40 minutes, and then bake it for 30 minutes. Easy and low-mess for a great loaf of sandwich bread.

But then my sons took over. Thomas made my bread into delicious tuna melts, and William made brownies for dessert. We had it with tomato soup. Unfortunately, Karen couldn't join us because she had to work, but she has the next six days off because she had vacation days she had to use by the end of the month.

And she may get to start the first of them with her boys, after all. Snow is coming, and that may mean a snow day.

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