Friday, April 04, 2014

We're Back

Got our Internet connection fixed, so we'll be back with new pictures of some kind by the morning. It turned out to be a bad modem, so a quick fix by our service provider. It's good to be back in the world of the connected again (and, believe me, that's about the only way that I can be considered connected).

Now I can catch up on some of the writing that I've been working on "in the cloud." I use a service called Evernote to write a lot of my songs and short stories, and I take the connection I have at home for granted. I really hit a brick wall yesterday when I needed to re-record some narration for the theater, which I had written using Evernote. I set myself up to record, went to find the copy, and then realized that I couldn't get to it.

I actually had to listen to the original and transcribe it before I could record it again. But I got it done for dress rehearsal, and it's there tonight for the opening, along with a mock radio show I did for the half hour between the time the doors open and curtain.

Speaking of which, I need to leave for the theater in about ten minutes, so good-bye for now.

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