Well, if you've gotten this far today, you've seen that the Web site has a completely new look. It's not as new as you might think; I actually designed the look of that banner at the end of the summer, but with all that was going on, it never came together. When I post the archive page, you'll get to see that banner that never got posted, with a glimpse of our summer activities.
The morning feeding frenzy is over, and children are up in their room breaking toys and making a mess, while Karen gets some much-needed rest and I prepare to do battle with the kitchen to prepare for tonight's meal.
I spent some time last night and this morning putting the finishing touches on a program I wrote to make it easier to post picture galleries to the Web site. Well, not the finishing touches, really. Just what I needed to get it functional. Now that it's all working, I will start adding little bits and pieces to the code to make it look nicer. But I plan to spend more time in the next week or so preparing pictures and posting them than on making the page fancier. After all, it's the pictures you log on to see, not my brilliant design sense (cough, cough).
Today is more a day for work around the house, though, with the usual preparations and clean-up that is so much part of the holiday. And, this being winter in New England (though you'd hardly know it with a temperature close to 40 outside), we have to go fetch and split some wood for the fire and mount the plow on the pick-up truck. There may be pictures of some if that, if Karen has her way.
Tomorrow Karen has to work, the boys will be in day care, and although Thomas has the day off, he will probably be spending it with a friend. Which leaves me all alone in the house. Poor little me. Excuse me while I cry. For joy. I never get any time alone anymore.
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