Saturday, December 30, 2006

Slip Sliding Away

I would not want to be a weather forecaster in New England. The outlook changes constantly. Today we were supposed to have flurries, with acuumulation tomorrow. But I am sitting in the library, having just uploaded the latest gallery, and the ground is covered with snow. It's hard to tell out the library window, but I would guess at two inches.

It's probably more at home. But the good news is that now that this storm has moved through sooner than expected, we will likely have good weather for the First Night celebrations in Wolfeboro tomorrow. We are planning to attend several of the kid-friendly shows, including a melodrama at the Village Players. Then Karen and I are going to go out by ourselves for some of the later entertainment, probably including a repeat of the melodrama so we can hang out with some of our friends at the theater.

It will be cold, but it should be dry, and it should be a lot of fun. Hope you can find something enjoyable to bring in 2007 yourself.

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