Monday, January 15, 2007

The Arrival

Well, winter has finally arrived in New Hampshire. Not a lot of snow, but cold and icy and about what we'd expect at this time of year. The middle of the week is actually going to be colder than normal.

Speaking of the middle of the week, I'll be on stage at the Village Players Theater on Wednesday, playing the role of Ambrose J. Weems in a reading of an episode from Raymond Knight's Radio KUKU. We've added a few bits of business to make it a bit more interesting visually. Just a little bit of something to entertain the Chamber of Commerce when they rent the theater for a meeting.

I actually took the truck up to the top of the road and plowed today. Not a perfect job, because I still haven't figured out how to hook up the plow's hydraulics yet, and so the blade tends to have a mind of its own as far as angle is concerned. But it did clear off the driveway enough for us to get by, and we're not expecting any more snow for a few days.

Meanwhile, we've laid in some wood and a tank full of propane. And some warm blankets. We're hoping that the late winter means a short winter. Instead of just, well, a late winter.

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