I don't often listen to the radio except to get news and weather reports. I spend my two hours of daily commute listening to books on CD or lectures from The Learning Company, both available at my local library, giving me a nearly endless supply of entertainment and enlightenment to offset the dreary necessity of 80 miles of driving, five days a week.
Tuesday, my supply ran out. Temporarily, but between Karen's work schedule and my rehearsal schedule, I didn't get to the library to get the next book before the last one finished, and so I ended up listening to the radio. Big mistake. Because one the the morning DJs had to point out the fact that this has been a record-breaking year for snow.
They've been keeping records since sometime in the 1800s, and this season's snowfall to date has beaten the record for the full year by more than a foot. And that was before yesterday's storm. And the next storm, due Saturday. I am sick of snow.
As many of you know, once Thomas has graduated high school, the rest of us are planning to come out to California to spend at least a year. The trip will be a working vacation, which will give us a chance to reconnect with friends and family on the West Coast, and take the boys around to see some of our favorite places. Of course, in the winter, it will still be possible to travel to the snow. After what we've just been through, I'm not sure I'll be interested.
I'm wearing new glasses, as is Tom. Tom loves his new, stronger prescription. I'm now wearing progressive lenses and I'm not sure yet if I like them. The optometrist says that I can trade them for good old bifocals if I decide I don't. There are definite advantages; I can use the same pair of glasses for reading, computer work, and walking around. On the other hand, you need to "follow your nose" to see things clearly. If you gaze off-axis the view is less sharp. Probably something I'll adapt to, but I'm just not sure yet.
Theater life is going well. Despite a schedule shortened by weather cancellations and late casting (still one member to go, in fact), the show is coming together very quickly, and I think when we open, in just over a month now, we'll have a pretty smooth show.
The rest of life should fall into place so easily.
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