Sunday, February 03, 2008

We've Virtually Moved

The fact that you are reading these words means that the transition has taken place, and that has a new home. You won't notice a lot of difference right away. I have a new banner which no longer has a date on it. I decided after the first montly banner that having last month's date makes the site look, well, dated. I'm still planning to update the banner monthly, with fresh pictures and an appropriate background theme, but I'm not putting anything in writing.

After what seem like weeks of nothing happening on the house (not exactly true, but that's the way it feels), this promises to be a busy week with two inspections, electrical work, and the pouring of the basement's concrete slab. The following week will see framing in the basement, more electrical work (I'm not that fast) and rough plumbing, and possibly the installation of the water pump. Whew!

All of this as the weather keeps us scratching our heads. The last storm was supposed to drop freezing rain, but mostly dropped tiny ice crystals that packed together to form a solid coating of ice a few inches thick. Annoying. On the other hand, we are expecting rain and temperatures around 40 late in the week, which may take away some of the ice for us. Crazy. February is usually the coldest month around here, but the first half, at least, promises to be quite mild.

And life, of course, goes on, with work and school and playdates and basketball practice. And meals and housework.

And sleep. Well, not so much of that.

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